The 63 Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly (GA) is now completed. For those of us who attended, it was an intense, inspiring and illuminating experience and our delegates were part of a milestone in the history of our faith. Our delegates were Dave...
Congregational News
Bulletins from the Board—July 2024
News from June’s Board Retreat The Board of Trustees met on June 29 to welcome Peg Espinola and Nancy Koch as new members to the Board. The executive team was selected with John Lutterbie serving as President, Marian Russo Vice President, Rich Hall Treasurer, and...
Board Update – Dec. 2023
As we approach the year’s end, it’s a fitting time to express gratitude and reflect on the contributions that make our Fellowship vibrant and purposeful. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all of the dedicated volunteers within our congregation. Whether...
Pastor Madelyn Preaches at All Souls
Pastor Madelyn recently preached at 8 a.m. weekly interfaith service All Souls Church in Stony...
UU Women’s Group Potluck Dinner Fall 2023
We had 27 people at our UU Women’s Group Potluck...
Merger with Great South Bay UU
The Board held a town hall meeting on Sun., Aug. 27, as a first step in the process of merging with the Congregation of the Great South Bay (UUGSB). The Board outlined the plan and steps yet to be taken, in preparation for a vote at a future congregational meeting....
Board Update – July 2023
On Sat., June 17, 2023, the Board met for our Annual Retreat to connect, elect our new officers and develop our goals for the coming year. We elected new officers: President: Denise StevensonVice President: John LutterbieSecretary: Charlie PoseyTreasurer: Rich Hall We...
Proposed 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism
This is the proposed 8th Principle which is being talked about and voted on in congregations throughout the UUA. For more information, please go to the website or speak or write to one of the members of the 8th Principal Task Force (8PTF): Laura...
Supporting Ukraine Relief Efforts
The UU Service Committee recommends donations go to the following places: the Hungarian Unitarian Church – you can support directly (click here for details) in its effort to care for refugees the UUSC Emergency Relief Fund for Ukraine Response (write for Ukraine...