Pastoral Care
When we say “pastoral care” we are referring to spiritual care. The French Jesuit priest, Teilhard de Chardin said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings have a human experience.” From time to time, our spiritual beings need extra care and support. We often think of the minister as the person who provides pastoral care, and that is true. We also have specially-trained lay pastoral care associates who are able to accompany people during times of need. Pastoral care is not counseling, it is not therapy, and it is not about seeing to physical needs (although we do have a Helping Hands Team that arranges for rides, meals, and such). Pastoral care IS being present for people. Listening. Visiting. If you would like the minister or one of the Pastoral Associates to call you, scroll down for more information. If you would like assistance from our Helping Hands Team, please visit their page here.
Pastoral Associates (PAs) are invited by the minister to assist with outreach to members of the congregation who are experiencing a time of special need. We provide a pastoral presence, social connection, and emotional support during times of crisis or difficult periods of transition. We are there to share in the celebration of joyous life events as well.
The kinds of things we do:
- Visit members and friends who are homebound or hospitalized
- Provide phone calls or visits to those in need of comfort, care and support related to major life transitions, care giving issues, personal crisis, or bereavement
- Offer educational workshops on such topics as healthy communication skills, bereavement, memory and aging, and suicide awareness
We can be of help to you during times of:
- Sudden or prolonged illness
- Change in health
- Transition to a new career
- Challenging parenting issues
- Birth or adoption of a baby
- Loss of a loved one, a job, or an important life role
- Divorce, or separation from life partner
- Social isolation homebound due to illness or disability
- Taking on the role of care giver for an aged parent
Our current Pastoral Associates:
- Linda Kirk, Chair
- Marie Baltz
- Karen Foernsler
- Sylvia Kirk
- Linda Mikell
- Janet Moulton
- John Seppala
- Linda Volkersz
Emergency / End of Life Planning:
Please download an In Case of Emergency (ICE) / End of Life Planning form so we know how best to assist you in an emergency. All members are encouraged to complete this form in order to assist the Pastoral Associates and Minister in responding to your needs when you are ill or dealing with an emergency. Please print a paper copy to send or give to the Minister. Copies will be stored in a locked file in the Minister’s office and can be revised or replaced at any time. Copies of Advance Directives (health care proxies and/or living wills) can also be submitted for filing.
If you have needs or concerns about yourself or another member of the congregation, or if you would like to share news of a joyful event in your life, please contact:
- Fellowship Office (Monday – Friday): 631-751-0297 or send an email to
- Rev. Dr. Madelyn Campbell, Interim Minister: 484-935-3485 (cell)
- Linda Kirk, Pastoral Assistant Committee Chair: 631-473-0689