Children’s Fellowship
Children’s Fellowship
Tiny Tots:
We offer care for our youngest children in the Tiny Tots program every Sunday during services. Here children play and explore their world, develop a foundation of trust with the compassionate care of our experienced childcare providers, and build relationships with other children.
RE classes:
We offer RE classes for our children in Kindergarten through 5th grade every Sunday morning during services. Our children begin their class in the sanctuary sharing our chalice lighting and Time for All Ages with the adults. Once in their RE class we offer curriculum developed by experienced UU religious educators, as well as curriculum developed by our own staff and volunteers. Children explore their own beliefs and values, experience wonder, build relationships with teachers and other children, develop spiritual tools for living in their changing world, and put their values into action in service projects. We work together to create beloved community in our RE program, our congregation, and the world.
We also offer classes for our middle school age youth. Schedules vary depending on the needs of the group.