Board Update – Dec. 2023

As we approach the year’s end, it’s a fitting time to express gratitude and reflect on the contributions that make our Fellowship vibrant and purposeful. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all of the dedicated volunteers within our congregation. Whether you offer a few hours on Sundays or invest countless moments throughout the month, your commitment is truly valued.

At our recent Board meeting, we delved into crucial matters that shape the trajectory of our Fellowship, described below.

We met with Susie Byrnes of the Ways and Means Committee to discuss fundraising opportunities for the Fellowship. Susie shared innovative ideas that, when implemented, will fortify our Board’s mission to enhance the financial well-being of our congregation.

John Lutterbie is coordinating a date for an upcoming Vision Mission Workshop after the holidays. This event will mark a pivotal moment for our congregation as we navigate transitions—shifting from a Fellowship to a Congregation, finding a new minister, and merging with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Great South Bay (UUGSB). Your participation in this workshop will be integral in shaping the future of UUFSB.

We are also moving forward with ideas for improving the security of the building. In our commitment to the safety of our community, we’ve implemented a “Pull for Police” device in the sanctuary. Please take a moment to locate this device just outside Susan Catanzaro‘s office. This proactive measure is in place to address potential threats and ensure the well-being of everyone within our building.  A Safety Taskforce will be working on additional recommendations in the coming months.

We welcome your involvement and would greatly appreciate your support. If you’re interested in contributing, consider joining either the Ways and Means Committee or the Safety Task Force.

Finally, I’d like to remind everyone that our monthly Board meetings are open to anyone to attend. Like many of the committees, we have been meeting via Zoom since the pandemic. While this is very convenient for the Board members, it makes it more difficult for anyone to join us. If you wish to attend a Board meeting, please let us know, and we will ensure you have the necessary details to join us, whether in person or virtually.

Denise Stevenson, BOT President