Speaker: Pastor Madelyn Campbell

Mind the Gap

What makes a generation a generation? How do we understand one another when our lived experiences are often so different? Come all you Silent Generation, you Boomers, you X-ers, Millenials, Gen Zs! We need all of us. Let’s look at how we can understand each other better and bridge the gaps. To join the service … Continue reading Mind the Gap

Easter Sunday

What can Easter mean for Unitarian Universalists? We’ll look at how the Easter narrative teaches us resilience, and how we can internalize that message as UUFSB moves into the next phase of ministry. To join the service via livestream on YouTube at 10:30 a.m., please click here. To view the Order of Service, please click here. … Continue reading Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday Sunrise Service

In addition to our regular 10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday service, there will be a short Easter Sunrise Communion Service at 6:15 a.m. at Stony Brook Grist Mill Park (the park near Avalon Nature Center) on Easter Sunday, Mar. 31. All are welcome.