Author: uufsb

Proposed 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism

This is the proposed 8th Principle which is being talked about and voted on in congregations throughout the UUA. For more information, please go to the website or speak or write to one of the members of the 8th Principal Task Force (8PTF): Laura Lesch, Joan Rubinstein, Barbara Coley, June Cerveny, and Joanne Hammer (Click here to read the current 7 Principles … Continue reading Proposed 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism

Supporting Ukraine Relief Efforts

The UU Service Committee recommends donations go to the following places: the Hungarian Unitarian Church – you can support directly (click here for details) in its effort to care for refugees the UUSC Emergency Relief Fund for Ukraine Response (write for Ukraine on the memo line) the International Women’s Convocation’s Faithify Campaign.