Topic: My Spiritual Story

“Stepping Stones”

Doris and Joel Diamond share pivotal moments along the meandering and evolving path that is their spiritual journey. To join the service via livestream on YouTube at 10:30 a.m., please click here. (You can also use this link to view the service later in the day.) To view the Order of Service, please click here. (The … Continue reading “Stepping Stones”

“A Spiritual Journey: Twists, Turns, and Unexpected Places”

While acknowledging that the very existence of God is subject to question, Dan Bartley shares how being raised Catholic and exploring the mystics strongly influenced his understanding and experience of God and his contemplative practice. Like many, Dan’s spiritual journey is filled with unexpected turns, some life affirming, others quite challenging. Is God real? No … Continue reading “A Spiritual Journey: Twists, Turns, and Unexpected Places”

“Into the Telesterion”

In ancient times, the telesteria were the temples where mystery traditions congregated to make sacrifice, worship, celebrate, and experience divinity. Join Pete DeSalvo and Jason Bond as they share their journey of discovery and work of reconstructing these ancient traditions.  To join the service via livestream on YouTube at 10:30 a.m., please click here. (You … Continue reading “Into the Telesterion”