Annual Read-In of African American Writers

This year’s Read-In of African American published writers, hosted as always by the Racial Concerns Committee, will take place on Sat., Feb. 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the UUFSB sanctuary. UUFSB Members and Friends are invited to come and read or come and listen — either way, please join us!

At this event, readers young and old, inexperienced and experienced in reading aloud to a live audience, stand before a friendly group and for 3 to 5 minutes, share a poem or an excerpt from an essay, novel or other narrative written by an African American. Young readers enjoy the process so much they often ask to read again. Experienced readers lift up the work of writers especially important to them.

The first step is to sign up to read; next, select what you want to read. Then you might read through your selection a few times, so you know how long it takes to read it aloud. Remember your audience will not have a copy of what you will read, so take your time reading aloud. This occasion provides wonderful photo opportunities for family and friends. Also, we’ll have tasty refreshments.

Please sign up and join us for this special February event. The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the RE hall at the Fellowship. Or you can email Karen Posey at – please include your name and the time you want to read. If you would like more information, click here to view the flyer or see any member of the Racial Concerns Committee.