UUFSB Hikers Group – Hike on Setauket-Port Jefferson Greenway

The next group hike will be on Sat., Jan. 18 at 10:00 a.m. on the Setauket-Port Jefferson Greenway. We will meet at the Port Jefferson Station trailhead parking lot and hike the eastern portion of the trail. The greenway is a wide, fully paved traiI, so ticks should be less of an issue than some other Long Island trails. The group will decide how long we want to walk on the trail before we turn back. Be aware that the trail can be hilly at times. There is no need to RSVP; we will depart shortly after 10:00 a.m. without taking attendance. Rain or snow will cancel this event. An email will be sent to the hikers group email distribution list by 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the hike if we are cancelling. Contact Larry at larrymazza@gmail.com to be added to the list.

Directions:  Route 112 north to the trailhead parking lot on the left, just south of the railroad tracks. Route 25a intersects with Route 112 at this point. The address on Google maps is 499-401 NY-25A, Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776.

You can use this Google maps link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/4e5Smoj5KddhSsxD6.